Seneca College main page

Advanced HTML

BCS 500

Seneca College, Newnham Campus, Toronto, Canada
the principle tag editor we use for BCS 500
Section A Section B Section Sound Section Java Section MKT Section XML

Detailed Course Outline

this page last updated 2001 Nov 26

click here to go the W3C page to check the pages that you are building

your HTML
Internationalizing your HTML
 some writing systems (Japanese, Chinese Korean) need 16 bits (2 octets) per character
 - see Chapter 40 in the HTML4 Unleashed book by Rick Darnell
Chpt 40 = Chpt 39 in the previous edition of Darnell's book
go direct to Chpt on Internationalizing HTMLChpt 39 (previous edition) in its entirety is available on-line
 Chpt 39 was written in June of 1997. The Chpt 40 in the newer edition does not contain much additional new information.
 Chpt 39 was written by Dmitry Kirsanov of Darnell's team
 - check the section on 16 bit encodings

 - The Unicode Consortium created the 16 bit standard in 1991 for every character from the world's major writing systems
 - see for the details 

What is Unicode?
" Unicode provides a unique number for every character,
                                              no matter what the platform,
                                              no matter what the program,
                                              no matter what the language."

If you are unable to read some Unicode characters in your browser, it may be because your system is not properly configured. Here are some basic instructions for doing that.
