This page last updated 2009 March 30
This web page has audio clips - just click on the icon (like the one to the left) and you can hear Prof. Richardson's voice adding additional information to topics on the page. turn on your speakers to hear audio clips
. This page used in the following courses taught by Prof. Richardson
MGD 415
MRK 410
BCS 555
After completing reading this unit, and listening to the lecture in class, students will have information about:

    o A glossary of Viruses
    o Virus Protection and business risk
    o What is part of a technical solution to block viruses
    o Safety Commandments to prevent getting viruses
    o Computer E-Mail Viruses
    o The Trojan Horse virus
    o Worm Viruses
    o Cashing In on Virus Infections
    o legal action taken by some of the major online companies against spamers
    o Netscape's site. There is a short Q&A about viruses and a helpful glossary
    o Examples of a virus hidden in an email

"There are more than 57,000 computer viruses today [2003], according to antivirus software developer McAfee, and more than a hundred new viruses are created every day."
click here
It is not the intention of this part of the course to be able to adequately cover all the various types of viruses that may effect e-commerce since we do not have the time nor resources to do that satisfactorily - 
but, it is important to have some understanding of the business risk at stake here and try to evaluate if it is a serious problem, because - if it is a serious problem, then every e-commerce professional needs to add to their portfolio of knowledge, some degree of understanding about viruses.
. This web site is very helpful and you are encouraged to bookmark it and check it for terms you do not know. 
click here
Is the problem getting worse? At this stage statistics on known virus attacks seem to indicate the problem is getting worse. For the most part, security experts believe the majority of virus attacks are made by unhappy employees and egotistical hackers and crackers - it does not appear to be something that companies are employing against each other to give themselves a competitive edge - but it may not be long before this happens since businesses large and small have been known to use very "illegal and immoral" tactics to gain advantage.
click here
"Virus Vigilance "
is the title of a 2000 article in Computerworld written by Deborah Radcliff 
formerly at

It is noted that

"The problem with today's viruses is twofold: Not only can they be easily rewritten to change their signatures and bypass antivirus tools, but they are also tempting attachment types for click-happy users who see nothing wrong with opening mail attachments from trusted sources. "


1. viruses can change form so the anti-virus software you installed, and obediently updated, cannot recognize the new virus as a threat, and does not screen it out

2. too many people are indiscrimantly passing on viruses without following basic security procedures 

Viruses "Virus Vigilance "

So, what is the problem when people don't listen, and follow proper procedures to protect against viruses?

Radcliff quotes Roland Cuny, chief technology officer at, an Internet content filtering vendor
Cuny says "Training is not enough. You also need a technical solution,"

It would seem obviously self-serving for Cuny to say the solution is technical since his company makes the solution marketed for this - but there seems to be more and more people saying that it is hopeless to get IT persons to do the right procedural thing - therefore we have to have software to protect us..
What is part of a technical solution to block viruses?

Radcliff quotes experts saying you can "...set up filters to block executable attachments before they get to desktops. Blocking file types known to carry viruses and Trojan horses (hidden programs) may sound extreme. Bruce Moulton, vice president of infrastructure risk management at Fidelity Investments in Boston said he first reviewed how his company uses these file types. Once he determined that these attachments weren't even  used for business purposes, making the decision to block them was easy. "The business impact of shutting out  these file types is zero because 99.9% of these attachments that come in are for personal viewing, like animated  Christmas cards, movie clips, things like that," 

UTM student Kiel D. in March 2009 emailed to provide some info on cell phone viruses.
Kiel explains
"The topic of mobile viruses interested me because as I said in my  previous e-mail, one of my friends has experienced this; thus, I  decided to research more about it. I found an article discussing the  threats of mobile viruses entitled "Greater mobile use brings bigger  virus threat" by Judy Mottl. "

Keil summarizes
"According to the article, today's mobile  viruses have become much smarter than previous versions. Today's  versions 'aim to steal phone books and contact lists to initiate  premium text messaging activity for money-making schemes.' The article  continues stating that the previous viruses were relatively harmless  intended to simply replicate. However, today's viruses are more  serious and related to crime such as stealing money, and personal  information. In addition, the article states that mobile viruses are  growing rapidly because mobile devices are being used more and more.  The article also mentions various viruses to watch out for such as:  CommWarrior, Beselo, and Symbian. The article can be accessed here " 

In conclusion, Kiel raises an important consideration "Reading this article, I was surprised how mobile viruses became so  threatening because if a virus accesses your mobile device, it will  have access to personal information, which may also lead to identity  theft."

 Safety Commandments! -
click here

Virus Safety 
and Tips


-®  Safety Commandments! -
found by Wadia in MRK 410 March 2004

1) Save. No computer is immune to crashes or other events that can take out a work in progress. 
2) Back up. Your important files on a regular basis and store the backup copy somewhere other than on your computer (CD or floppy). This way if a virus does get through and destroy files you can restore them from your back-up copy. 
3) Invest. In software/hardware to create a simple to use system 
4) Install. A reputable virus scanner and keep it updated regularly. Avoid virus, worms and trojans from e-mail or downloads which will cause damage to your programs or hardware. 
5) Use. Antivirus program (at least once a week) as well as every time you download any freeware or software that is shareware. Make sure that it is properly configured for your computer system. Software makers routinely update their virus lists whenever a new virus is discovered, so you will need to update your software with new virus definitions at least once per week. NEVER open any downloaded file unless it has been scanned by anti-virus software with current signatures. 

Here are a few points to remember says 


"A virus can not appear on your computer all by itself. You get it by sharing infected files or diskettes, or by downloading infected files from the Internet. 

Generally, you can not get a virus by reading the body of an email message, they are usually carried in an attachment (e.g., a Word or Excel file). These attachments should be scanned automatically before you read them. 

There are a few things you can do to protect your computer from virus infection.  Most important on the list is to install - update and use a high-quality anti-virus program, and especially be sure to update it regularly. A non-updated Anti-Virus program is outdated and practically useless. Use it to scan any files, programs, software, or diskettes (even new software from a commercial company) before you use them on your computer. 

Never open any attachment with two extensions.  For instance, "iamavirus.txt.vbs" should definitely cause you to raise an eyebrow.  Virus creators use this as a way to disguise their destructive payload.  Many of our computers are set to not display any extensions at all so the double extension rule may not always work."

click here
The Trojan Horse virus is named after a historical incident in ancient times when the Greek Army was attaching the city of Troy. The Trojans were not successful at repelling the Greek invaders, and the Greeks were not successful at getting through the walls of Troy - it was a bit of a stalemate; so, the Greeks decided to trick the Trojans - they made a peace offerings - they made a huge horse, and pushed it up to the gates of Troy, then withdrew, the Trojans pulled the horse in, and then the city went to sleep for the night - soldiers hiding in the horse crept out, killed the sentries, opened the gates and the Greek army poured in to kill everyone. The point being an innocent looking gift turned out to be a weapon used by the attackers.
. Here is a story in the Toronto Star about one case where a Trojan horse got impregnated into a software program that got wide release


There are many specific virus and DNS attacks that could be mentioned but for the sake of time, and for the sake of learning from focusing on just a few examples, we will look at the July / August 2001 case of the CODE RED worm virus that gathered much attention worldwide.
image comes from July 2001 "Code Red is a time-linked worm that awakens on the first of the month and goes dormant on the 20th; computer security watchers noticed the first version of it in mid-July (2001), with the worst virulence appearing on July 19, when  even the White House had to take evasive action to keep it from affecting its official Web site 

It works by installing itself on server computers running Microsoft Corp.'s Windows NT and 2000 operating systems and IIS software. It then blitzes Web sites with data, in an attempt to knock them out of commission known as denial-of-service." 



What does it do?

"Code Red, named for a caffeinated soft drink favored by computer programmers, scans the Internet for other computers to infect, and as more computers are infected the scanning gets more widespread and could slow Internet traffic to a crawl.  The worm can also defaces sites, though in two of the three known variants   no vandalism is apparent to computer users. In last week's hits, some U.S.  government sites showed the message ''Hacked by Chinese!'' but the Chinese government said the worm probably did not come from China."






click here
Worm viruses propogate quickly (meaning spread fast from computer to computer) because one of the features of the virus is that it makes the receiver become a sender. People who receive a worm virus (and do not know it) can have their computer "hijacked" into being used to send out the virus to everybody in your address book - many of these worm viruses love people that use Microsoft Outlook because they are configured to 'hijack" all the addresses you have stored in your Microsoft Outlook address book.
"A new computer worm that disguises itself as an e-mail from Microsoft Corp. is spreading, computer security firms   warned on Monday.   The e-mail containing the worm, dubbed Palyh or Mankx, appears to come from, but is not from the software company.  When the attachment is opened, the worm copies itself to the Windows folder,  scoops up e-mail addresses from the hard disk and starts sending itself out,  said U.K-based Sophos.    The malicious program can spread itself to other Windows machines on a local  area network, anti-virus vendors said. It began spreading on Saturday [May 17th, 2003] and has apparently infected computers in 69 countries, according to MessageLabs. " 
click here
One of the reasons that people do open these viruses is because they are tricked into thinking it is legitimate email and upon opening the email to have a look - that action launches the virus into your computer. This is the case with the Palyh (aka Mankx) worm of May 2003.

A Microsoft spokesman said the company never sends out unsolicited mass  e-mails with attachments. So................... if you get an email that says it is from ................. chances are it is a fake and the sender is just trying to get you to read something, or open something which may cause harm to your computer.

Viruses spreading faster

Viruses spreading faster

click here
Worm viruses have been around for quite some time, but for the current generation of Internet users the most familiar one (if they knew any) was the CODE RED Worm Virus.

Worm viruses can now propogate much faster, -  and the risk is that the speed at which they spread exceeds the ability of the critical users to be alerted - and therefore we are at a greater risk since our response time is almost zero.

 "SQL Slammer Worm Spread Worldwide in 10 Minutes"
A Reuters story carried by Yahoo 2003 Feb 4th

"It only took 10 minutes for the SQL Slammer worm to race across the globe and wreak havoc on the Internet two weeks ago, [Jan 2003] making it the fastest-spreading computer infection ever seen, researchers said on Tuesday [Feb 4th , 2003] ."

"The worm, which nearly cut off Web access in South Korea and shut down some  U.S. bank teller machines, doubled the number of computers it infected every 8.5 seconds in the first minute of its appearance, said a computer security research group led by the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis.  By comparison, the Code Red worm -- which came 18 months earlier -- only doubled every 37 minutes."

Permission to quote from Yahoo!, use the Yahoo! logo, and use screen captures, was given in an email by Debbie Macleod, Yahoo! Marketing Manager Jan 21st, 2005. Copy of the email is kept in the permissions binder

Viruses spreading faster

Viruses spreading faster

The screen capture leads to a site explain the Sapphire Worm - it is also a good example of close co-operation between large IT companies, industry associations, universities and government agencies which all have a vested interest in dealing with such risk and threat situations.
If you go to this URL, you can see a map of the world with an animation showing how fast the virus spread on a map of the world
Worm Viruses


March 2004

click here


Hasani before

Katie before

Hasani & Katie after
Hasani and Katie of MRK410 in March 2004 found a site talking about some of the new Worms in March 2004
formerly from,1759,1554603,00.asp

Hasani and Katie explained

"The hottest couple on the internet snapper and Mywife are reeking havoc on the web. The couple made there appearance in January and they have the potential of staying together for a long time. My wife arrives in an email form, attracting the users by a pornographic subject lines, for example, “Hot XXX and Sexy XXX, and if your lucky you can get a picture with that.

"The email comes in attachments with a Norton Anti Virus symbol verifying it’s a virus free attachment. The second attachment file may have words to attract you such as: Ricky Martin, Paris Hilton. The second virus carries a fake virus warning stating that your machine is already infected. Once they open the email or your computer is infected the virus removes the windows registry entries for a variety of anti virus and security applications."

"Snapper which is quite opposite from Mywife sends blank emails with spoofed sending addresses that contains codes that automatically executes once the message is open. The code connects to a web page which downloads the file to your computer. The file creates a windows directory called DLL and then sends itself to all addresses in the users address book. Due to some complications and barriers for the virus it is not likely that it would spread very fast. "

It is believed that the couple is not going to last for a very long time, but the users and the haters should still be careful no matter what!

RELATED LINKS!!!!! (still working Nov 2006)

Java Viruses

Feb 2007


In early Feb 2007, Stefan S., one of my graduate students in the FSM program at Seneca, emailed to offer comments and suggestions about Java Viruses

Stefan said
"I think Java viruses are the next big wave. By Java viruses I mean viruses that use I.E loop-holes to upload themselves to your computer, undetected by you, the user. "

[WTGR adds, this suggests surfing with Netscape or Firefox would obviuously seem to be the thing to do]
Stefan explained
"You go to a website, and automatically as the website loads, the software downloads to your computer (no windows pop up, no notifications); this is all possible through active-x. These viruses, 75% of the time store themselves in you Program Files / Documents and Settings / “User” / Application Data / Sun / Java folder as java extensions. These viruses are mainly data miners and generate annoying pop-ups after they initiate. Some of them can be removed by uninstalling and manually deleting the Java folder others affect the windows kernel and require hard rive format for proper removal. The point is that since they uninstall themselves quietly and some do not indicate their presence physically, most users have an average of about 15 installed on their computer. Programs such as Ad-Aware detect some of them but s
ometimes can not remove several extensions (those require registry editing)."

Stefan then targets a sensitve point about anti-virus solution products, saying
"This is a growing business for Anti-Virus companies who claim they can stop these viruses. The fact is, so can consumes without these programs."




Stefan then targets a sensitve point about anti-virus solution products, saying
"This is a growing business for Anti-Virus companies who claim they can stop these viruses. The fact is, so can consumes without these programs."

Stefan advises
"For example, using Norton Virus solutions will heavily slow down the computer and make every task annoying, since you will get “do you want to run this script” messages every second and security pop-ups 20 times a day. For your everyday user who checks their bank statement and e-mail, these viruses will never be a threat, however that is not what the everyday user does anymore.

Most people download movies/music and watch pornography on the internet. The sites that provide these services have a lot of this viruses since it is a way to make money (your neighbor comes to mind, easy to get e-mail addresses this way).

What Norton does  (and by doing so renders your system unusable due to lag) is disable certain active-x commands and prevents these viruses from installing, however this can be done manually in I.E (and without the lag) for example:

You go to I.E > Tools > Internet Options >Security> Turn all 4 –internet, local internet, trusted sites, restricted sites- to high security then go to >Privacy> and disable cookies and finally go to >Advanced> and uncheck Java which will not load the Java api next time you restart I.E. Now restart I.E.

By doing this, you I.E is safe, there is no computer lag, and no possibility of viruses and it is free. However these settings will not display some sites correctly and will disable a lot of eye candy. Their purpose is to be used with HIGH RISK websites and provide safe surfing by disabling all Java and Active-x extensions, therefore limiting I.E to basic browsing and no downloads (uncontrollable ones). When you want to surf the net normally, you can default all setting and enable cookies and java again so everything is allowed."



Stefan's email concluded with a bit of a rant

"My experience in this field spans to about 10 years and is mainly in computer hardware. I serviced main-frames and maintained systems for several small businesses. However the computer industry is in a very “disgusting” state at the moment and I am not interested in it any longer. It has commercialized to such a degree there are no values or morals any ware to be seen."

Cashing in on Virus Infections
click here
Chad M., MRK 410 March 2004,  found a page talking about how people are making money from selling anti-virus solutions,1377,62558,00.html
Michelle Delio of says
"Over the past few months, many viruses such as 'My Doom', 'Net Sky' and the 'Bagel' virus have been infecting computers and polluting servers on a worldwide scope.  Even though anti-virus programs are being purchased at record amounts, many experts are  saying that these infectious programs are spreading a rapid pace. 

An annual fee is attached when purchasing anitvirus solutions, this in return, offers the user to download current "signature file" updates that identify the most current infectious program(virus). It normally takes anitvirus companies a few hours to develop "signature files" that can be updated by the user.  This poses a problem because almost all viruses now can spread globally in a matter of minutes.  So, are the antivirus companies really helping out?"

legal action taken by some of the major online companies against spamers 
click here
Jamaal P. of MRK 410 March 2004 found an interesting story in The Globe & Mail about lawsuits against spammers so this lets us know that something is actually being done to stop these people.
The Globe and Mail article was from an article from
Monday, Mar. 22, 2004
The article dealt with the joint legal action taken by some of the major online companies against spamers.

The following are some points from the article as summarized by Jamaal

  • "Lawsuits filed by some of the Web's biggest players against junk e-mailers have portrayed an industry united in the war against spam"
  • "America On-line, EarthLink, Microsoft and Yahoo scored a major publicity coup earlier this month, when they launched their first joint legal assault against spammers". 
  • "The suits claim that hundreds of unnamed defendants sent messages using false e-mail addresses — a violation of the newly enacted federal Can-Spam Act".

. k
click here
Netscape says one of the best protections is "to install an anti-virus program".
Do they work?
Particularly if you update your program regulary.
Prof. Richardson uses Norton and leaves the "auto protect" ON all the time - this means incoming emails are screened even before you consider opening them.
In the 3rd week in April 2002, someone persistently tried to email Richardson a virus and it was caught every time - as you can see in the screen capture below.

This screen capture shows my virus checker at work catching someone trying to send the W32.Klez.gen@mm virus


of a virus
hidden in
click to view larger click on this screen capture to the left to see what popped up when my virus checking software caught one coming in
For a complete list of Email Hoaxes including ones that affect ICQ downloadable software click here


The Truth about Computer E-Mail Viruses
...and why they are not possible...
Jennifer Maggio in MRK 410 March 2004 found a page explaining that viruses can only be found in executable files
formerly at
A common mistake email users find about viruses, is that they think they are in the email text. There is NO SUCH THING!! says Eric Gerlitz
click here

"A virus can not exist in an e-mail text message. They also can NOT exist in USENET (newsgroup) postings or simply "float around" the internet. Viruses must be attached to and infect an executable program (.exe, .com). Viruses and other system-destroying bugs can ONLY exist in EXECUTABLE FILES, and since e-mail is not a system file in that sense, viruses can not exist there. While reading e-mail, you are not executing any malicious code to activate! Thus, no virus can exist. HOWEVER, if you (or your computer) download a FILE attached to an e-mail or USENET posting (i.e.-binary) and RUN it, there IS a chance that file could contain a virus, since a runable file could contain a virus. It is also very important that you DO NOT, under any circumstances, allow your e-mail program to automatically execute an attached file. You risk infection by doing so!" 

"Viruses are generally (almost always) OS (operating system)-specific. Meaning, viruses created for a DOS application can do no damage on a Macintosh, and vice-versa."

"There has been one exception to the OS-specific rule, which is called the Microsoft Word Macro Virus, which infects documents instead of the program. "
To find out more about this virus click here 

Before we finish the section on viruses, it would be worthwhile to visit the Security Section on Netscape's site. There is a short Q&A about viruses and a helpful glossary.
click here
"The internal threat is clearly a danger, but most companies are concerned about the external threat - the extent of which is unknown"
Dr. Anup Ghosh
E-commerce Security: Weak Links, Best Defenses
page 10, Chpt 1

see also
from Mark Madner

  Prof. W. Tim G. Richardson ©