E-Commerce, E-Business and Internet Marketing Textbooks

used by Prof. W. Tim G. Richardson for e-business and internet marketing courses taught in Canada at Seneca College, Cambrian College, Centennial College and University of Toronto
last updated      2003 Oct 6

This list was began in 2000 by Prof. Richardson. By 2002 there have been so many e-commerce and internet marketing books flood the market we no longer care about keeping up to date with all of them - these books in the gallery below simply represent the books we have looked at. There are probably other good books "out there", but I'm too busy teaching 24+ hrs a week to review them all. Basically, the books listed here are books that I have personally used in my several e-commerce classes, or books I have on my shelf cause a rep gave me a free copy.
Electronic Commerce: Fourth Edition The [2003] edition of the book 
by Gary Schneider

A very good book, widely adopted by many profs. Significantly expanded over the 3rd edition.

Part of the "Course Technology"family
ISBN: 0-619-15955-3
600 pages, soft cover

will be used in
Electronic Commerce: Third Edition The new [2002] edition of the book 
by Gary Schneider

Part of "Course Technology"
This text will be a key book used by Prof. Richardson in Sept 2002 at U of T.
3rd edition, student downloads section  www.course.com/downloads..

ISBN: 0-619-06311-4  3rd edition
520 pages, soft cover

publisher web site
was used in
2001 for several courses
Electronic Commerce This book's publication date is listed as Nov 1999. It is considered to be an excellent textbook. As part of the "Course Technology"family it is well supported and the accompanying web site is extensive.
The text has particularly good chapters discussing strategies. Companion website. online table of contents

ISBN 0-7600-1179-6
380 pages, soft cover

will be used in 
IEC 702, IEC 818
ECP 1100, ECP 1220
Electronic Commerce: Second Edition The [2001] edition of the book 

A very good book, widely adopted by many profs

Part of the "Course Technology"family
This text will be a key book used in MGTD06 Sept 2001

ISBN: 0-619-03378-9
450 pages, soft cover

IEC 702, IEC 719 & IEC 902
ECP 1100
Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective. This book's publication date is listed as 2000. It was obtained by the author of this site in November 1999 and is considered an exceptionally good book.   One of the first books to be written as a text with questions and exercises at the end of each chapter. A companion website was operating, including the downloadable powerpoints when last checked in March 2000.
Used in part in MGTD06 Sept 2001

ISBN 0-13-975285-4
500 pages, hard cover

MGTD06 main text 2002
Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective 2002

Students companion website

Table of Contents at
Used in MGTD06 Sept 2002

ISBN: 0-13-065301-2
900 pages, hard cover

. Creating a Winning E-Business by
Napier, Judd, RIvers, Wagner

part of the "Course Technology" family

Reviewed in April 2001
Basically 10 chapters covering the simple basics with a final section on making webpages with Frontpage.
Lot of the material is lists of URLs. End of chapter material includes questions that could aloow this book to be used as a traditional text.

ISBN 0-619-03386-X
400 pages, soft cover

The Business of the Internet, by Neal Hannon 
This book was first published in Jan 1998. As part of the "Course Technology" family it is well supported and has an accompanying web site. There are some good chapters on Intranets and Business Security issues. Some topics are not covered in as much detail as some of the larger texts. This book was not specifically recommended by us, but you might want it as a supplemental resource. Companion website.
ISBN 0-7600-4957-2
260 pages, soft cover
Marketing and The Internet
by Dr. Eloise Coupey

The thing we liked about this book was that it was written by a person who has genuinely strong background in e-business, and substantial teaching experience.
table of contents
Publisher's web page for this book
ISBN 0-13-016975-7
350 pages, hard cover

publisher's website
could be used in
IEC 812
ECP 1100
World Wide Web Marketing, 3rd Edition
by Jim Sterne

Very few e-business books out there in 2nd ed, let alone 3rd edition. This author is particularly knowledgable
A great book purely about the current market techniques

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-41621-5
400 pages, soft cover

publishers web site
Getting Started with Electronic Commerce, by Floyd Fuller. Prof. Fuller designed this as a text with lots of "end-of-chapter" activities as well as key term summaries. As the title suggests, it is aimed at people who have no prior e-commerce understanding and does not take them very far into the subject.
It is one of the Harcourt College series. Look at the online table of contents and judge for yourself. A lot of good effort went in to this book with diagrams and graphics.
320 pages, soft cover

IEC 802
Electronic Marketing authored by Reedy, Schullo and Zimmerman, Dryden Press/Harcourt - has some good chapters on Integrating the Promotional Mix, Segmenting, Market Planning. Again, it is a good book for people who want to concentrate on the business aspect of E-business. Some sections from this will be used in IEC 802
400 pages, soft cover
E-Marketing, Second Edition
Professor Judy Strauss (Univ. of Nevada) and Professor Raymond Frost (Ohio State University)
 We liked this book because it had 2 full chapters covering product and pricing and the material on new product trends was very up-to-date. web site for the book
Includes test bank, chapter exhibits online, sample syllabus + more
Amazon had it in Nov 2000 for $36 USD
ISBN 0-13-032264-4
500 pages, soft cover

used in BCS 555
at Seneca in Sept 2002
e-Business & e-Commerce for Managers
Deitel, Deitel & Steinbuhler
The authors are e-biz consultants with their own site at  www.deitel.com
A comprehensive overview of building and managing an       e-business. End of Chapter material is good. 

The book's web page on the Prentice Hall site
Online Table of Contents

ISBN 0-13-032364-0
770 pages, hard cover

Strategic Electronic Marketing, 2e, Brade Alan Kleindl,  Missouri Southern State College

Prof. Kleindl has a good reputation for his knowledge of the subject
web site at  ........kleindl.html
had a good section on e-commerce careers
published by Thomson South-Western
ISBN: 0-324-17893-X
400 pages, hard cover

E-Commerce Management: Text and Cases  Sandeep Krishnamurthy, University of Washington

Contains integration of text and cases 
web site at  ...krishnamurthy

published by Thomson South-Western
ISBN: 0-324-15252-3
430 pages, soft cover

Irwin/McGraw-Hill produced a Guide to Marketing on the Internet. .
90 pages, soft cover
Marketing on the Internet: Principles of Online Marketing, by Raymond Frost and Judy Strauss. This book's publication date is listed as 1999. 
Includes an on-line Instructor's manual -which few e-com books have because few are written to be used as texts. Web site includes a section on designing a "Marketing on the Internet Course".Link to list of other profs using this text, and their online course outlines
370 pages, soft cover
E-Commerce BASICS, 2nd Ed
Bruce McLaren, Constance McLaren

Publishers website
Publish date: December 6, 2002

ISBN: 0-619-05942-7
320 pages soft cover

E-Commerce Basics: Technology Foundations & e-business applications
William S. Davis and John Benamati
Publisher: Pearson (Addison Wesley)
ISBN: 0-201-74840-1
370 pages hard cover
click to see back cover
 IEC 802 and IEC 902
Principles of Internet Marketing, by Ward Hanson of Stanford U. is a brand new book that has excellent chapters on Traffic and Brand Building, Pricing Online, Internet Mktg Plans etc. It is a good book for people who want to concentrate on the marketing and business aspect of E-business. 

ISBN 0-538-87573-9
430 pages, hard cover.

Internet Marketing: Foundations and Applications
by Carolyn Siegel

has a good emphasis on the 4 Ps of marketing

published by Houghton Mifflin

ISBN 0-618-15043-9
400 pages, hard cover

Introduction to e-commerce
by Jeff Rayport and Bernard Jaworski
Publisher: McGraw-Hill

ISBN 0-07-251024-2
650 pages, hard cover

misc. books on e-commerce and internet marketing

IEC 802
IEC 812
ECP 1100
Brand Building on the Internet by Martin Lindstrom and Tim Frank Andersen  was published in March 2000 and Amazon just began
listing it August 25th, 2000. Amazon had it for $24 USD 

We will use this book in the section on brand and traffic building in IEC 802. In particular, we will use 
Chpt 7 - why brands on the net
Chpt 8 - building brands
Chpt 10 - online communities
Chpt 11 - creating traffic

Recommended purchase for ECP 1100
used in Section 3 + Section 4

ISBN 0-749433-13-2 
 310 pages, soft cover

 IEC 702, IEC 902 & IEC 719
Cyber Rules by Tom Siebel published in April of 1999 is not a textbook but it is a thought provoking collection of essays on the whole internet/e-commerce community. 
http://www.siebel.com/There are many quotable quotes from this book which we will use in the intro to IEC 702 and IEC 902 as well as some parts apply to the privacy section in IEC 719
Siebel has an excellent grasp of the key issues and even if you only read the first 2 chapters, it is worth buying the book. Amazon has it as do many others. 

290 pages, hard cover

 will be used in IEC 802
Consultant Dan Janal's lengthy title is Dan Janal's guide to Marketing on the Internet: Getting People to Visit, Buy and Become Customers for Life
check www.janal.com and he has a menu of his various articles on-line at
Janal has a section in his book (Chapters One  ~ Three) title  "Online Marketing Strategy" - which will be used in IEC 802, along with the section "Promoting Your web site" (Chpt Eleven ~ Thirteen)
on-line table of contents
cover price is $54.59 CDN
Amazon has it for $28 USD

ISBN 0-471-34976-3
380 pages soft cover

go to amazon site
Community Building: Secret Strategies for Successful Online Communities on the Web by Amy Jo Kim

First obtained by Prof. Richardson in October 2000. The author seems to have a genuinely strong personal experience in the subject area and this makes the content of the book very credible - at first glance the book seems a great addition to your e-business library if you need to focus on online communities.
Companion Website at
Amazon sells it [Nov 2000] for $24 USD

ISBN 0-201-87484-9
350 pages, soft cover

not required for IEC
Clicks and Mortar: Passion Driven Growth in an Internet Driven World by David Pottruck and Terry Pearce. Pottruck is President of stock brokerage firm Charles Schwab.

It has an attractive title but is really best read by  executives making more than $200,000 since most of the book is focused on making decisions which only senior management are empowered to do. It was published in April 2000. Amazon had it for sale at $20 USD in August 2000. 

ISBN: 0-7879-5273-7
 256 pages, hard cover

for IEC 802 and IEC 902
ECP 1100
In ECOM 101, IEC 802 and to some extent in IEC 902, we have a section dealing with E-commerce strategy, mergers & acquisitions and business models and this book is very useful in that context; also, it has an accompanying web sitewww.futurizenow.comwhich is very advertorial about Siegel et al and has not as much information as it could about the actual book. Siegel also has his own corporate web site at
www.siegelvision.comConsultant David Siegel has a particularly good section in his book (Chpt 2) on  "Why Most Web Strategies Fail". One of the big benefits of this book is the many useful cases studies and "real examples" collected herein.
300 pages, hard cover

Creating Stores on the Web, 2nd Edition
by Sawyer, Greely, Cataudella

A very good comprehensive book. 

Used by Prof. RIchardson at University of Toronto classes

The 2nd Edition came out in 2000. We didn't see it until March 2001. Has great chapter on web store business models.

great website www.storebuilder.com
Publisher: Peachpit Press
ISBN 0-201-70005-0
570 pages, soft cover

for IEC 702, IEC 719
Net Profit: How to Invest and Compete in the Real World of Internet  Business, by Peter S. Cohan
The style of writing for this book is aimed at senior business managers and wealthy investors, particularly the chpt on venture capital.
Chpt 5 could be used for IEC 719, this chpt is titled Internet Security: Barbarians at the gate
Chpt 9 could be applied to IEC 702, this chpt is titled ISPs, Oceans of Red Ink

ISBN: 0787944769
300pages, hard cover

link to the Chapters.ca page where you can buy this book
for IEC 802
Authors Jim Carroll & Rickbroadhead are probably two of the most well known internet subject authors in Canada. Their 1999 book titled "Selling Online" has the subtitle "How to Become a successful E-commerce Merchant in Canada". The book covers all the required topics to achieve that subtitle. This book is recommended for IEC 802. Sometimes copies can be obtained free from VISA partners.
Jim Carroll's web site
385 pages, soft cover
for IEC 902
Hyper W@rs: 11 Strategies for Survival and Profit in the Era of Online Business, by Bruce Judson
This is not a text but rather one of those books written for managers. There is no web site working through each chapter, but there is a web site talking about the author and his internet consulting.
Judson emphasizes that this book is not about the Internet but rather about business effected by the Internet. This book is recommended for IEC 902. Judson also runs a web site titled www.growyourprofits.com
225 pages, hard cover
C. McLaren and B. McLaren of Indiana State University wrote E-Commerce: Business on the Internet. This thin paperback text has good coverage of some of our Learning Outcomes
280 pages, soft cover
This rather short hardcover title Electronic Commerce was developed in association with the IBM Centre for Advanced Studies in Toronto. Discusses some of the technical and security issues a bit more than other e-com books. Is accompanied by a CD-ROM. 
200 pages, hard cover

for IEC 802
Essential Business Tactics for the Net by Larry Chase. Chase is a well known internet personality who is the creator of Web Digest for Marketers. It is a very good strategy book and several chapters will be used in IEC 802 eg. Chpt 5 "Your Brand Image and the Internet"
+online articles he has written

ISBN 0471257222
300 pages, soft cover

for IEC 702and IEC 719
Using the Web to Compete in a Global Marketplace was finished by Browning Rockwell in April 1998. Rockwell got several experts to write key chapters so he is the editor, not author.. Browning Rockwell has created the Global Information Network (GIN), an extensive companion Web site to support this book. Rockwell also runs a consulting company.
For IEC 719 we will refer to
Chpt 6 Technical and Security Issues
ISBN 0-471-25262-x
300 pages, soft cover
Public Relations on the net: Winning Strategies... by Shel Holtz

This is not a textbook - it was written by a consultant associated with the American Management Association. We will not specifically use chapters from this book for IEC but it is well written and good to have for people concerned with issues regarding content on their large corporate web site and the possible trouble you can get in.

Amazon sells it for $20 USD

ISBN 0-8144-7987-1
320 pages, soft cover

The e-commerce question and answer book: A survival guide for business managers by Anita Rosen
vias for the longest title on our book list with the shortest number of pages !

 We will not specifically use chapters from this book for IEC. It is a simple approach and light on details.

Amazon sell its for $18 USD

ISBN 0-8144-0525-8
200 pages, soft cover

The Clickable Corporation: Successful Strategies for Capturing the Internet Advantage is the rather long title of a book that is less than 200 pages. Written by three executives at Arthur Andersen. The style of this short book tends to be that which would suit a busy senior executive.

Amazon sells it for $20 USD

ISBN: 0684855534 
160 pages, hard cover

e-Commerce: Strategy, Technologies and Applications by David Whiteley. Has a particularly good section on EDI [three chapters]

Chapter summaries

ISBN: 0077095529
250 pages, soft cover

. Net Results: Web Marketing That Works
USWeb & Rick E. Bruner
first published 1998

In our opinion, this book is a targeted for managers who already have a site up and need to do some strategic thinking.
A good section on search engines and rnaking in them. A 2nd edition of this book came out in 2000 
on amazon.com

priced at $42.95 CDN 1st edition
ISBN 1-56830-414-5 - 1st edition
ISBN: 0735710244 - Net Results.2
380 pages, soft cover

Loyalty.com: Customer Relationship Management in the New Era of Internet Marketing, by Frederick Newell

published in March 2000

ISBN: 0071357750 
McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
325 pages, hardcover

Building an eBusiness from the Ground Up
by Elizabeth Eisner Reding
In the opinion of the author of this page, this book is targeted for an entry level audience and maybe not too suitable for upper year college and university e-commerce courses. The book has a heavy emphasis on making web pages in MS Frontpage. Redings other books have been about software packages such as MS Excel and MS Access.

the McGraw-Hill web site for the book
ISBN: 0-07-2426365
160 pages, soft cover

Advertising and the World Wide Web
edited by David Schumann and Esther Thorson

A collection of published articles by various professors. The chapters in this book provide a wide ranging view of issues addressing how advertisers can proceed on the Internet and WWW. 

ISBN 0-8058-3148-7
305 pages, hard cover

Implementing B2B Commerce with .NET: A Guide for Programmers and Technical Managers  by Lyn Robison,

A highly technical book for B2B applications.

Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional
ISBN: 0201719320
280 pages, soft cover

E-Business Technologies
Napier, Judd, Rivers, Adams
Publish date: October 25, 2002
ISBN: 0-619-06319-X
464 pages soft cover
E-Business Technologies
Craig Van Slyke and France Belanger
Publisher: Wiley
Publish date: 2003
ISBN: 0-471-39392-4
470 pages hard cover
Developing e-commerce Systems
Jim Carter
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-091112-7
480 pages soft cover
Email Marketing
Jim Sterne, Anthony Priore
Publisher: Wiley
Published 2000
ISBN: 0-471-38309-0
290 pages soft cover

Texts about Business Models, and Texts dealing with Cases
Internet Business Models and Strategies: Text and Cases
Dr. Allan Afuah, Dr. Chris Tucci
Publisher: McGraw Hill

we used Chpts 4 and 5
- has a good taxonomy of business models
ISBN 0-07-239724-1
340 pages soft cover

Internet Business Models : Text and Cases
Dr. Thomas R. Eisenmann, Harvard Business School
Publisher: McGraw Hill
- a great book if you do several classes on business models
ISBN 0-07-249868-4
640 pages hard cover
E-Commerce: Real Issues & Cases
by Michael Knapp of University of Oklahoma

Publisher: Thomson South-Western
came out in 2003

ISBN 0-324-07469-7
350 pages, soft cover

E-Commerce Management: Text and Cases
by Sandeep Kirshnamurthy
Publisher: Thomson: Southwestern
book's site
came out in 2003

ISBN 0-324-15252-3
430 pages, soft cover

Digital Marketing Strategy: Text and Cases
by Glen Urban

Publisher: Prentic Hall

review copy came out in late 2003

ISBN 0-13-183177-1
200 pages, hard cover

Cases in Electronic Commerce
Put together by Prof. Sid Huff et al, of the Ivey School of Business of University of  Western Ontario

Web page including table of contents on McGraw Hill's web site
ISBN 0-07-237516-7 - 1st edition
ISBN 0-07-245731-7 - 2nd edition
460 pages, soft cover

Prof. Richardson owns one or more copies of each one of the books listed above and has read chapters from ,ost of these books. The purpose of this list is to share information with fellow professors, as well as providing a resource for students. The opinions expressed herein are those of Tim Richardson. The selection of these books does not necessarily imply official endorsement by Seneca College, Cambrian College, Centennial College or the University of Toronto.
