Case Study Assignment
Detailed Marking Guide


Marketing in the Information Age

A 4rth year undergraduate course in the Division of Management, Scarborough College, University of Toronto, Canada

Congratulations, you have found the detailed marking guide.
With this information, you may have an improved chance of doing well on this assignment because you will know more precisely what is being graded.

Why is this information hidden?
Well, we have given enough information in the main page for assignments at
But ............... for those people who are curious and like to poke around web sites to see if there is anything else there (which is what you are encouraged to do by the professor), you will be rewarded by finding this link.
Secondly, this is a 4th year university course - some things have to be difficult !!; [this is not college or high school] we are not intending to give you everything in this course, some things have to be earned and learned independently.

By virtue of finding this page, you will be rewarded not only with this information, but also with the subsequent encouragement to further go hunting around web sites more thoroughly to see other gems that can be found.

Keep in mind, web sites are put together by humans, not robots, and as such they are vulnerable to eccentricities and egos, such as placing hidden pics, links and other info for the amusement of the author - knowing this can give you an advantage.

At this link   you'll see a layout of information which I will use in evaluating this case study assignment - in fact, I'll be printing out this page and attaching it to every case study when I hand it back so the authors will know exactly how I measured their efforts.

Remember the 6 environments? - don't forget "competition", life is COMPETITIVE,
The reason you "got in" to UTSC was because your high school marks were more competitive than other students who did not do so well
So if you find this secret link,

If you did not find this secret link on your own, but, instead were given the information by a person who previously took the course - that is OK too, cause it means you are good at networking and "hooking up" with people, which is a good skill for people studying business management.