Int'l Business Management

A 3rd year undergraduatecourse in the Division of Management,  University of Toronto at Scarborough
.updated 2007 Oct 30

Some students expressed an interest in seeing examples of previous test and exam questions. I have decided in the interests of "good teaching" to provide some examples for you here. You may, or may not find this helpful. Some questions cannot be shown here because , obviously, eg. there are only so many ways you can ask about the IMF. You should study the topics in question so that you "UNDERSTAND" what the topic is about, then, no matter how the question is worded, you will be able to provide a good answer.

Good answers deserving of an "A", are answers that are neatly written so one can read your words - if one cannot read the words you write, then it is fair to say you cannot get a mark for the particular point. You should also read the question carefully and write what is being asked for - my personal penchant is to ask you to explain the "reasons why" certain things exist, not just memorize static facts about the topic. I also like students to be able to link things together so that they can make a connection , for example, between the influencing environments, FDI, globalization etc.

I'm also very keen on students being able to answer questions using an example from the real world of international business. Teaching theories and asking for students to recite facts is not as helpful as putting that into the context of a real situation which will help the student understand why they are being taught a particular point. In order to be able to answer a question using a real example therefore requires that you know some real examples - therefore you must read a national newspaper on a regular basis so that you will have some "examples in hand" if a question calls for that, eg. "explain complications of attracting FDI with an example of a real company that was enticed to invest in Canada". One of the most distinguishing characteristics of a person who works in international business is that they are "well read" and up-to-date on current events in a highly competitive world.

In conclusion, A big part of the education of a management student at UTSC is learning how to understand info in order to make a decision - that's what managers do, they make decisions. It is no use to learn a lot of facts without having the ability to apply those facts to solving a problem. Think about this when you study, I almost always ask a question which requires you to show youknow something, and then also show that by knowing this, you can solve a problem.
Test 1 sample questions
Mid Term sample questions none available
Final Exam sample questions