As Taught by Prof. Tim Richardson and Prof. Michael O'Neill 
School of Marketing and e-Business

.last updated 2005 April 06

Assignments   Details
Storefront Project    25% of the term mark
Business Plan
Create a simple business plan , whereby you are marketing your own expertise and or products. 
Here is a link specializing in explaining business plans (which you would have learned about in previous courses)
The business plan part of your storefront should be on a separate link from the main page.
The Business Plan will describe your corporate Goal, some Objectives, and how your storefront will do things to achieve those objectives.
Mention the influencing environments
Discuss the basic 4Ps relevant to your product/service.
Describe your target market and any relevant segmentation.

Keep in mind the critical analysis you did of sites for your web report and integrate the best elements observed at leading commercial sites.

These storefronts need to demonstrate the following basic elements:
o A main page with good layout, readable and consistent text.
o At least four additional pages linked from the main page.
o Insert one graphic (or more) on each page you create, appropriately sized.
o Create navigational links to and from all pages in the project.
o  Link to any appropriate industry associations or organizations to give the storefront credibility
o Place your e-mail link and the latest date at the bottom of the main page.
o All links and graphics must be working properly.
you will be graded with a letter which will be converted to a mark out of 25

This small project is for exploring and organizing your skills and abilities as you develop an online ebusiness presence. It is a "warm-up" to the Team Web Site Project. You should be able to do this Storefront with a minimum of "fuss". Demonstrate your approach to creative problem-solving by the ways in which you organize and represent yourself.  Use your imagination.

When you finish this project, you should put something on the Storefront Project page to allow me to know it is done, eg., like "finished Feb X"

If some of the features look better in Netscape, or I.E., then put a note at the top of your page saying, "looks best viewed in Netscape", or "looks best viewed in Internet Explorer"

Print out the first page of the assignment, and hand it in to me - it is on this page that I will make comments, and hand it back to you.
The web has all kinds of examples of how to do storefronts. In fact, some sites are about "how to make storefronts" and they give samples, such as those links to the right.
These links are example of real working storefronts. It is OK to copy and use some of the features, but just make sure you provide reference as to where that information came from, otherwise you'd be plagarising.
- the dealtime site is for shoppers who know what they want, they just want a good price
- the joma site provides a bit more info and they are very competitive about pricing Here is a good example of a simple storefront that has been up and running for some time. It is operated by Eddie Platts in the U.K. and is very effective at achieving its purpose.

He has a simple gallery of pics and good descriptions of the products

witiger has been a customer of this site