MRK106 Assignment 1                               2020 June

MRK106 has many topics, but the main focus is on understanding the 4 P's


The purpose of this assignment is to help you see, and understand, the 4P's as they are emphasized in typical "promotion" things companies do

Meaning, within a TV commercial, words on a billboard, what ppl say in a social media video, or words in a newspaper ad, I want you to pick out 3 examples and discuss them.
1. describe the situation and name the "P" that is being referred to
it is an online YouTube video that describes in detail the fine workmanship of how it is made of high quality - PRODUCT
it is a TV commercial that talks mostly about the low price for buying the car - PRICE
it is a TikTok video that describes how kool the product is nd everybody should "like" it - PROMOTION
it is a website that shows detailed maps of all the places you can go to , to buy the product - PLACE

2. comment on whether you think it is effective? - meaning, did it work? would you buy it?
3. you "do" the assignment by speaking these things as a "comment" in "reply" to this video.
- so, write some notes about what you want to say, go on YouTube, login, go to the video, make your comments
4. The reason why we have students making public comments  is because it allows other students in the class to see other examples, and you learn from other students, not just the prof
link fixed June 10th 11:30am
Here is the video you make the comments on.

When you make your comment, add in 
1. your first name
2. last name Initial only 
(ppl do not need to know your last name - think privacy)
3. add "MRK106 June 2020" (so I will know what class list to look in)

When you look at a company that is marketing by emphasizing the "P" for Product, you get things like
"This hamburger has cheddar cheese", then the competition says "This hamburger has Canadian cheddar cheese"
and then the original company answers back "we have smoked Canadian cheddar cheese"
And, sometimes they just get stupid and add in
"We have apple wood smoked Canadian cheddar cheese"