Outline: BIT 704
Legal Issues – Copyright issues, Patent issues, Privacy issues and Canadian legal issues regarding business intelligence
The subject explores legal issues and the political environment that would effect the ability of an organization to acquire business intelligence and protect against various risk and threat situations, including corporate espionage. Safeguards organizations implement to protect intellectual assets. Competitor patent issues, patent trolling, clearance searches.
 Email filtering and employee monitoring issues in a Canadian legal context. Student who take this course will find the course material fits well with the subsequent course, BIT   801 Risk and Threat Assessment

Credit Status
  One full credit.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject the student will be able to:
1. Use the definitions of business intelligence and competitive intelligence, as learned in BIT701, and apply that understanding in to the context of the political / legal environment that effects risk and threat situations afflicting enterprises.

2. Define the privacy issues that currently effect Canadian enterprises in the context of existing regulations, such as Bill C6.

3. Evaluate the circumstances of Employee monitoring (email filtering) within an enterprise related to the relevant provincial and federal rules and regulations.

4. Identify risk and threat situations that an enterprise faces in the context of patents and licensing of proprietary technologies and processes.

5. Identify resources within federal and provincial police and security agencies relevant to helping enterprises protect proprietary technologies and processes and maintain business continuity.

6. Understand the fundamentals of an organization’s liability (employee liability, customer liability) as it seeks to acquire and use Business Intelligence – especially in the context of the Canadian political / legal / regulatory environment. (Eg. Air Canada vs. WestJet)

7. Understand how various provincial and federal and international jurisdictional issues can effect the ability of an enterprise to acquire and use Business Intelligence.

Cheating and Plagiarism
Each student should be aware of the College's policy regarding Cheating and Plagiarism. Seneca's Academic Policy will be strictly enforced.

To support academic honesty at Seneca College, all work submitted by students may be reviewed for authenticity and originality, utilizing software tools and third party services. Please visit the Academic Honesty site on http://learningcommons.senecacollege.ca for further information regarding cheating and plagiarism policies and procedures.
All students and employees have the right to study and work in an environment that is free from discrimination and/or harassment. Language or activities that defeat this objective violate the College Policy on Discrimination/Harassment and shall not be tolerated. Information and assistance are available from the Resolution, Equity and Diversity Centre at ext. 2078 or via email at Human.Rights@senecac.on.ca.
Accommodation for Students with Disabilities
The College will provide reasonable accommodation to students with disabilities in order to promote academic success. If you require accommodation, contact the Counseling and Disabilities Services Office at ext. 2900 to initiate the process for documenting, assessing and implementing your individual accommodation needs.
Subject Outline Information specific to your school

Last Updated: June, 2006
Copyright © 2006 Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology, Ontario, Canada


Outline: BIT 704
Legal Issues – Copyright issues, Patent issues, Privacy issues and Canadian legal issues regarding business intelligence 

Topic Outline
See "Detailed Subject Outline" at the end of this document.

Modes of Instruction
There will be one classroom lecture and one online lecture per week. Instruction will include interactive lectures, guided design, group-centered discussions, case studies, collaborative discussions, seminars, team-based learning with a heavy emphasis on accessing stories in online and print media regarding the course topics.

Prescribed Texts and Tutorials

• Internet Law in Canada, 3rd Edition by Geist.
ISBN 1-55322-047-1
• Security Policies and Procedures by Sari Greene
ISBN 0-13-186691-5
• Electronic Commerce: Security, Risk Management, and Control
by Greenstein ISBN 0-07-229289-x
• The professor will provide additional information as needed through the professor’s website.
Modes of Evaluation
The development of the critical concepts in this course is accomplished through an interactive learning process involving live exchanges between the instructor and learners, and weekly posted online discussions between students and an instructor moderator.  An overview of the critical components is provided through mini-lectures, question and answers, and team learning activities. Seminars are used to further refine concepts and build team interactions through the analysis of case studies.

Class Participation / contribution 20%
Test(s)  20%
Report 20%
Final Team Project 30%
Total  100%
Student Responsibilities
As a business student, you are expected to behave in a professional, business-like manner. Evaluation methods and standards are modeled on business acumen and professionalism.
Please Note:
• Obtaining information from the professor’s website and reading a major daily Canadian newspaper is mandatory for this subject.
• Absence shall not constitute a reason for late work or lack of knowledge about topics covered or assigned.
• For written reports, cite all supporting material – especially material from online sources.
Grading Policy
A+  90% - 100%  4.0
A  80% - 89%  4.0
B+  75% - 79%  3.5
B  70% - 74%  3.0
C+  65% - 69%  2.5
C  60% - 64%  2.0
D  55% - 59% 1.0
F  0% - 54% 0.0
Language Standards
Students are required to display ability both in oral and written communications commensurate with professional standards. All submitted material (including tests, assignments, projects, case studies, etc.) will be graded according to acceptable English standards both in form and in content. (Handout)
Markham Campus
Tim Richardson
Email: tim.richardson@senecac.on.ca Room  M500 Extension 7534

Approved by: ___________________________
                           Angela Zigras, Academic Chair
                           School of Marketing and e-Business


See http://www.witiger.com/senecacollege/BIT704.htm
 Last Updated:     Summer  2006
 Instructor reserves the right to update the outline when required.