INTL 303
International Banking 
and Trade Finance 
As Taught by  Tim Richardson
Additional Information to augment the Official Course Outline
This page was originally on the Centennial College server in 1999 when the course was taught by Tim Richardson. It has been moved to Tim Richardson's server in 2001 and many of the links no longer work.

 Cross Rates Table : For you to check before every class  so you will know the
basic Cdn exchange rate with the U.S. dollar, Japanese Yen, British Pound

 Exchange Rate Convertor  This on-line calculator, from the Bank of Canada Web Site,  works based on the actual Cdn/U.S. dollar exchange rate of the day. Helpful for quick references.
Class 1 May 10th Chpt 1
Chpt 2
introduction - Discussion of main points in 
Chapter 1, Intl business methods, largest companies  Global Top 15  
 Ricardo - Comparitive Advantage
and Chapter 2 - IMF, World Bank, WTO
Some is review of the themes in INTL 220
 link to Chapter 1 on PowerPoint
Class 2 May 12th Chpt 3 read pages 63 - 82
  link to Chapter 2 on PowerPoint 
spot market, bid/ask spreads, currency converstions, forward contracts
 Terminology  Terminology2
Class 3 May 17th Chpt 3
Chpt 4
  quotes, Euro, short vs. long, bear vs. bull
 The Euro currency page
- read on-line description of  Euro coins and notes description
Exchange rate determination, factors that influence
  Link to Chapter 3 on PowerPoint
Class 4 May 19th Chpt 4 Exchange rate determination, factors that influence
- read this good explanation of the  Forex Market and Currency Futures it was a 2 page handout given to the class
- read on-line article about The U.S. Federal Reserve System it was a 3 page handout given to the class
  Link to Chapter 4 on PowerPoint
 . May 24th .  24rth of  May Holiday
Class 5 May 26th Chpt 5  Assignment #1 due - Chpt 3, Qestions. 3,4,5,6,7, and 9
- read Appendix A about the real situation trading in the Foreign exchange market
- read Chapter 5, pages 141 to 154
- read on-line article about What is hedging? Why do companies hedge (from
 Link to Chapter 5 on PowerPoint
check the changes to the  Grading Details / Marks
Class 6 May 31st
Chpt 6
 Quiz #1
Chpt 6 discusses Government Influence on Exchange Rates
 - in addition to reading Chapter 6 in the text, we will also discuss some web sites to obtain a "Canadian" perspective
  Link to Chapter 6 on PowerPoint 
 - read Bank of Canada Backgrounders  Monetary Policy
 - read Bank of Canada Backgrounders  The Bank Rate 
 - read article about  foreign currency traders effecting the Cdn dollar
Class 7 June 2nd Chpt 10  Assignment #2 due - 
Chpt 4, Q. 3,4,5 
Chpt 5, Q. 10,11,16
  Link to Chapter 10 on PowerPoint
- view this on-line example of 
a company's exchange rate exposure described in an annual report 
- an interesting on-line explanation of  measuring risk 
- an on-line series of questions & answers on  transaction exposure 
- an on-line essay about identifying and measuring 4X risk from the McKinsey Quarterly
Class 8 June 7th
 Mid-term Exam
 covering Chpt 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 
Class 9 June 9th Chpt 11   Link to Chapter 11 on PowerPoint
 - read on-line article about  currency swaps
 - read on-line article about  hedging from

- check the Canadian Business TOP 25 Cdn Companies for the top Cdn companies in intl business, that might need hedging and currency swaps
- check the  Fortune Global 500 - only 8 Canadian comp anies make the list

Class 10 June 14th Chpt 12  Assignment #3 due
- Assignment 3 is identifying an MNC and commenting on how exchange rate fluctuations effected its annual revenue figures 
- to find a MNC, use the web sites listed on page 31~38 in the text\

Managing Economic Exposure
  Link to Chapter 12 on PowerPoint
- optional reading: Professor Rubash at Bradley University in Illinois, has a web site and a series of ppt slides that also discuss  Managing Economic Exposure some of these slides match our topics, some don't
- Good explanation of the difference between  transaction, translation and economic exposure 
- interesting reference to an expensive course all about  Managing International Expansion in Global Markets cost is $4,900 US
Class 11 June 16th Chpt 13  Canadian govt financing
 - you must check the following web sites for information on Canadian government financing of international trade
 -   PEMD  Cdn Govt Program for Export Market Development
                    PEMD Goals and Structure of the Program
                    Company Eligibility
                    How Applications are Processed
 -  EDC  Export Development Corporation
 -  BDC  Business Development Bank Canada
   read section on Financial Products Overview and Consulting Services Overview
Class 12 June 21st Chpt 13

Chpt 19
 Canadian Government programs for financing intl trade, continued

 Country Risk Analysis, Political Risk and Economic Performance
 -  Using the Delphi technique to collect general information
 -  How the Delphi technique is used by some organizations
 - an example of a consulting company and its business in writing reports and risk analysis on countries
 - try this on-line  currency risk and predictability quiz from a web site in India
 - Country Risk Analysis as done by a consulting company
- read their section on a detailed chronology of important financial,
     economic and political events in emerging markets
Class 13 June 23rd Chpt 19  Country risk analysis , Using the WWW for finance
Class 14 June 28th Appendix C Assignment #4 due
- Assignment 4 is tracking "your" currency and commenting  on the political and economic factors that caused changes
Final Exam
. . .
. July 1st .   C A N A D A  D A Y  H O L I D A Y