One of Canada's leading e-commerce professors predicts a rise in online shopping this season due to 4 trending influences.

1. Smartphones - better smart phones with advanced features allow shoppers to use online information to make purchase decisions. Allowing busy shoppers to buy online without having to sit down to their notebook, or login through their desk top PC at work means more eyeballs on vendors sites.

The telcos are also offering better rate plans and plans that include functions and features conducive to shopping online.
Apps, an explosion in the number and variety of apps allow for shoppers to use features on their phones to help in shopping such as advanced search functions, payment functions, comparison price shopping sites etc.
2. YouTube - more online vendors are using short video clips, which they post on YouTube, to help shoppers see the FABs (features, advantages and benefits) of their products. "Words tell - pictures sell" was the old adage, add in "video sells convincingly". As more online vendors use videos to show how a product can be used and profile multiple viewing angles of the features it makes it easier for potential customers to make a "buy" decision. Since 2010 an explosion in the quality of digital cameras has also meant an increase in the quality of videos on YouTube, which goes towards "convincing" the buyer to pull the trigger.
Enabling the "comment" feature on YouTube videos also allows people who bought a product featured in a video, to post comments about their satisfaction with their purchase, which can be a very convincing "testimonial" for potential buyers


2011 list compiled by Prof. Tim Richardson, Seneca College and University of Toronto, with contributions from some of his current and former e-commerce students