E-Commerce, E-Business and Internet Marketing Textbooks

used by Prof. W. Tim G. Richardson for e-business and internet marketing courses taught in Canada 
at Seneca College, Cambrian College, Centennial College and University of Toronto
last update      2003 Jan 9th.
13 books specifically dealing with e-commerce security
for IEC 719, IEC 729,
IEC 818, and IEC 803
and ECP 1220
Electronic Commerce: Security, Risk Management and Control by Greenstein and Feinman. This is one of the few books specifically on the subject of e-commerce security. This book is recommended as a required purchase for IEC729. In addition, Professor Bath will also be using chapters (4, 8) of this book for IEC 803. A great web site, hosted by the publisher is at
ISBN 0-07-229289-x
400 pages soft cover

for IEC 729 and FCA 240
Electronic Commerce: Security, Risk Management and Control 2nd Edition
by Greenstein and Vasarhelyi. The second edition is a good improvement over the first edition - which was a good book to start with. This book is recommended as a required purchase for FCA 240.  A great web site, hosted by the publisher is at
ISBN 0-07-241081-7
470 pages soft cover

for IEC 719, IEC 818
FCA240, ECP 1220
Secrets & Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World by Bruce Schneier. Schneier is the "real thing" - a genuine computer security expert and heads up a company called Counterpane which has a web site we will visit in IEC 719.

Chapters.ca has the book listed for $29.36 CDN

ISBN 0-471-25311-1
400 pages, hard cover

for IEC 719, IEC 818
E-Mail Security:How to Keep Your Electronic Messages Private by  Bruce Schneier. Recommended for people who want to know about their personal vulnerabilities as they surf sround the net.

Includes a really good section on how encryption works, as well as Public Key Encryption and certificates.

Chapters Club price is $29 CDN

ISBN 0-471-05318-x
350 pages, soft cover

 for IEC 818, ECP 1220
E-commerce Security: Weak Links, Best Defenses by Dr. Anup Ghosh of Reliable Software Technologies www.rstcorp.com
It appears that this book is a good match for IEC 719 but sufficient time has not been spent on confirming how closely it fits the Course Outline for 719. (A review copy was received 3rd week in August 2000)  At first glance it is "recommended" - though it is not so "text" oriented as the Greenstein/Feinman book. We will work in relevant chapters to the course outline as we move along.

ISBN 0-471-19223-6
260 pages, soft cover

. . Principles of Information Security
Michael Whitman, Herbert Mattord 

This textbook presents a balance of the managerial and the technical aspects of the discipline

Publish date: December 12, 2002
Publisher's website

ISBN: 0-619-06318-1
532 pages soft cover

Inside Internet Security: What Hackers Don't Want You To Know
by Jeff Crume

Has a good chapter on what hackers are, and various threats situations - also a good chapter on aspects of passwords + Security checklists for common scenarios and Real-world examples of actual attacks . We first looked at this book in March 2001.
Table of contents online

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

ISBN 0-201-67516-1
260 pages, soft cover


Halting the Hacker: A Practical Guide to Computer Security
by Donald Pipkin

A heavy emphasis on UNIX.

We received this book in March 2001, though it was published in 1997.

Table of contents online

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

ISBN 0-13-243718-X
190 pages, soft cover + CD ROM

for IEC 719
The Hundreth Window: Protecting Your Privacy and Security in the Age of the Internet; by Charles Jennings and Lori Fena was obtained by the author of this web site in September 2000. A quick look through the book reveals that it has some very helpful and practical hints eg. tricks of the Windows 98 registration wizard !! The book was written in the first few months of 2000 so it is very current.

Chapters.ca has it listed for $26.25 CDN
P.S. Chapters says it is 352 pages, it is not, it is only 260

ISBN 0-684-83944-x
260 pages, hard cover

link to Amazon spot for this book
for IEC 719
Consultant Dan Janal's Risky Business: Protect Your Business from Being Stalked, Conned or Blackmailed on the Web
check www.janal.com
on-line table of contents
We will use some of this book in the 4rth section of IEC 719 - check the on-line overview
check Janal's list of 30 ways to fight on-line crime. On Amazon's site, A reader from Massachusetts wrote that the subtitle of this book is misleading, as much of the advice is geared to consumers  rather than business owners.
Amazon has it for $20 USD
ISBN 0471197068
330 pages soft cover
Hack Attacks Revealed
by John Chirillo

We obtained this book in May 2001, it is for people serious about the technical aspects of IT security.

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Publisher's site for the book
ISBN 0-471-41624-X
930 pages, soft cover + CD-ROM

Hack Attacks Denied
by John Chirillo

We obtained this book in May 2001, it is for people serious about the technical aspects of IT security.

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Publisher's site for the book
ISBN 0-471-41625-8
460 pages, soft cover + CD-ROM

Hacker Proof : The Ultimate Guide to Network Security, 2nd ed.by Dr. Kris Jamsa
provides a detailed examination of the  security concepts network administrators, programmers, and Webmasters must know.
companion CD-ROM
Publisher Thomson Delmar Learning
ISBN: 0766862712
650 pages soft cover

Prof. Richardson owns one or more copies of each one of the books listed above and has read chapters from each and every book. The purpose of this list is to share information with fellow professors, as well as providing a resource for students. The opinions expressed herein are those of Tim Richardson. The selection of these books does not necessarily imply official endorsement by Seneca College, Cambrian College, Centennial College or the University of Toronto.